Commercial Services
We provide a wide range of professional Commercial Services for Airlines & Operators as well as Aircraft Lessors.
We provide a wide range of professional Commercial Services for Airlines & Operators as well as Aircraft Lessors.
We provide a wide range of professional Technical Services for Airlines & Operators as well as Aircraft Lessors.
We specially provide Data Migration Services by converting data or technical documents to new formats.
Welcome to ACT Services GmbH: a dynamic, fast-growing company with a solid reputation for quality and reliability. We offer you a wide range of professional, state-of-the-art services to support aircraft-related transactions and airport maintenance. Our expertise includes regional and long-haul jets as well as narrow- and wide-body turboprops in passenger and freighter configurations.
Expertise & experience
Individual service packages
Maximum security
First-rate aircraft condition
Worldwide operation
Our expertised team consults in all relevant aspects of the commercial area, that includes the objective contract reviews and recommendations as well as giving advice on whether to lease or buy, on maintenance and providing aircraft appraisals. Furthermore we help optimizing maintenance reserves contracts, doing maintenance calculations and support during the whole aircraft transition processes including aircraft lease reviews.
Contract review and recommendation
Our experts go over all relevant contracts, including materials supply and maintenance agreements and leases. ls a financing lease (capital or sales lease) or operating lease more compatible with your business model? We thoroughly analyze your situation to help you get the best possible deal.
Advice on aircraft maintenance activities
We get involved in testing and inspection at an early stage to make sure that your maintenance activities, checks and inspections fully comply with the terms of the lease, airworthiness directives and other regulations.
Advice on whether to lease or buy
We give you sound advice and make competent recommendations for choosing the right aircraft, also from a technical point of view. On the economic side, you need to take factors like demand and price, load factors and financing options into account. lf you opt to lease, should you go for a new or used aircraft? Strategic considerations and your business model also play a role. We help you make the right decisions.
Aircraft appraisal
There are basically two approaches for telling whether the price is right: desktop (i.e. by looking at the specs) or bottom-up (by carrying out a physical inspection). On both fronts, we help you to identify the condition of available aircraft and select the configuration that works for you, and then negotiate the best possible price with the bank or another lessor or seller.
Maintenance calculations
An aircraft’s current value mainly depends on its age and the current phase of the overall economic cycle. But it also needs to be properly maintained to preserve its value. When you Iease an aircraft, the owner therefore charges you extra each month to cover the cost of keeping it in good shape: its airframe, engine, landing gear, APU and other components and assemblies with a limited service life, including repairs and spare parts. These payments are called maintenance reserves. We help you be smart and get a fair deal.
Optimizing maintenance reserves contracts
Unused funds aren’t returned, so it’s vital to negotiate realistic rates at the outset. We analyze each plane’s condition and leverage our extensive experience and know-how to come up with the right figure that you can then use as ammunition for winning this battle and getting a good deal. The lessor views maintenance reserves as a way to cover costs and preserving the value of their asset, while you as the lessee see them as detracting from your cash flow. lt’s about balancing the potential risks and rewards of leasing an aircraft. We’re experts when it comes to unraveling the situation and figuring out how much makes sense and in which case it’s excessive.
Aircraft transitions
Transitioning aircraft between leases can be a complex and challenging process. Three main stakeholders are involved: the current lessee, the lessor, and the next lessee, who share the goal of efficiently transitioning the aircraft. There’s a lot to clarify, potential for conflicts and misunderstandings, and many gray areas. We can help with:
Aircraft lease reviews for transitions
Lessors need to inspect planes at least once a year to make sure that all equipment is complete and in good condition. The airline needs freedom to generate income, while the lessor’s priority is keeping the aircraft available and in good order. ACT’s experienced engineers provide assistance and advice for getting you the best possible deal.
Maintenance calculations
An aircraft’s current value mainly depends on its age and the current point in the overall business cycle. But it also needs to be properly maintained to preserve its value. When you lease out an aircraft, you therefore charge a monthly fee to cover the cost of any required repairs to the airframe, engine, landing gear, APU and other components and assemblies with a limited service life, including repairs and spare parts. We help you cover your bases and push through favorable terms.
As the owner and lessor of aircraft, you need to reduce your risk by safeguarding the full value of your assets. We assign experts to help you calculate what is appropriate based on each aircraft’s age, flight hours, distance traveled and other parameters.
Our international team of excellently trained, experienced mechanics, engineers and other specialists supervise and/or perform all relevant maintenance work for ensuring value retention and safe, reliable and compliant operation of leased aircraft. We also capably evaluate them at the beginning and end of lease periods while taking their entire lifecycle into account, in addition to a range of other value-adding services that include document management.
Specialized engineering
Airlines often have too few engineers – but ACT can fill the gap. We support you with specialized experts and enqineers for every application. Wherever and whenever a need arises, our engineers in various countries around the globe support you across multiple time zones. We offer you customized development and service packages to ensure that your aircrafts are properly and compliantly maintained while following all prescribed safety procedures. We work for the world’s largest airlines and leasing companies.
Our services include scheduled and ad-hoc maintenance, production planning and monitoring, and support for renewing your certificates of airworthiness – plus troubleshooting for getting grounded aircraft back in the air as quickly as possible.
Structural engineering
We provide structural engineers when you need help with technical problems and hard-to-understand manuals. There’s always a long waiting list at Airbus and Boeing, but we come through for you. We’ve gained extensive experience working for major airlines and key players.
Material coordination
Our services in this category include helping you manage your warehouses and ensuring that parts are available quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively when and where they are needed. We help you strike a balance between having enough parts to go around and making the most of your available storage space, and come up with ad-hoc solutions for optimally deploying scarce parts.
AOG (aircraft on ground) support
When a problem is bad enough to keep an aircraft from flying, every minute counts. lt can cost an airline a lot of money every day that it’s stuck on the ground – allegedly up to a million dollars a day in a worst-case scenario – counting the cost of the lease, crew, engineers and mechanics, spare parts, hangar rent etc. and especially all the lost revenue, and the losses add up fast. So there’s an urgent need to get the aircraft back into service and prevent any further delays or cancellations of scheduled flights. lf this happens to you, our experienced engineers and mechanics rush to help you get your plane airborne again, while other members of our team hustle to dispatch replacements for defective or missing parts and materials.
Back reporting
All work that is done and the results have to be documented and entered in the system as a prerequisite for subsequent checks. Our experienced engineers expertly migrate your data into the database so it’s quick and easy to retrieve.
Maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO)
Maintenance, repair and overhaul are essential for keeping aircraft in good condition for safely moving passengers and cargo and complying with airworthiness directives. This is a tightly regulated process that is subject to international and national standards. We oversee these activities to make sure they comply and help you avoid fines, litigation and other problems.
Base maintenance supervision
Base maintenance is performed in an aircraft hangar with special tools. lt’s typically done by third parties who are neither the aircraft’s manufacturer nor the operator. This makes it important to have a project leader on site and hold daily coordination meetings, The goal is for the plane to be ready on time, providing early notification if there are any problems or holdups. Our team goes into action and oversees the whole process.
You benefit from a single point of contact and the fact that we are represented at major MRO locations. We speedily take care of everything on your behalf while keeping costs under control, ensuring cost transparency, overseeing everything from complete aircraft overhauls to modifications, and professionally handling fleet-wide technical management or repairs to individual aircraft.
Line maintenance supervision
This involves minor aircraft maintenance that can be carried out practically anywhere, either unscheduled or scheduled. lt is typically carried out by the operator and limited by the available ground support equipment. We overcome constraints by bringing along whatever is needed, and prepare all documents for certificates of release to service (CRS).
Aircraft transition layover
Transitioning aircraft between leases is a complex, challenging process that shouldn’t be underestimated. Airlines can use a helping hand in dealing with the lessor. There’s a lot to clarify, plenty of potential for conflicts and misunderstandings, and many gray areas. Negotiating skills are a must. We can help with:
Cabin modification supervision
Redoing an aircraft’s cabin is a major project. We’ll advise you on the available options, provide guidance, and oversee the work.
Aircraft assessment
ACT’s specialists support you by objectively assessing your aircraft’s value, also with test flights when appropriate, and prepare a detailed, thorough and understandably written report that also covers any discovered defects or damage. We carry out both pre-purchase due diligence inspections and midterm lease audits.
Paint inspection
Every project is different, but that’s alright with us. Aircraft periodically need repainting, and occasionally a change of livery. We take care of the incoming inspection, check the bodywork after the old paint has been stripped off, and perform a final inspection to make sure the work has been done properly.
Cabin inspection
This can involve a general visual inspection of the aircraft cabin including the cockpit, lavatories, galleys etc., all required safety and emergency equipment such as fire extinguishers, and furnishings, or else an in-depth audit for obtaining approvals or certification. Our services also extend to checking the safety and emergency procedures described in flight operation manuals.
Inspection review
We take the time to thoroughly go through your inspection reports and whatever other paperwork you have accumulated, making sure that they are complete and accurate.
We check for:
lf wished we also scan everything in a format of your choice to facilitate access and ensure compliance.
We sort and organize your stored documents so they are quick and easy to access.
We thoroughly go over your documents to make sure they are complete, legible and compliant.
Aircraft transition layover
Transitioning aircraft between leases is a complex, challenging process that shouldn’t be underestimated. Lessors can use a helping hand in dealing with the airline. There’s a lot to clarify, plenty of potential for conflicts and misunderstandings, and many gray areas. Negotiating skills are a must. We can help with:
Annual and mid-term inspection
Aircraft audits include physical inspections, maintenance checks and modification supervision, and a review of relevant records and documentation on behalf of the lessor/owner. We help you with competent personnel to manage these.
Aircraft assessment
ACT’s specialists support you by objectively assessing each aircraft’s value, also with test flights when appropriate, and prepare a detailed, thorough and understandably written report that also covers any defects or damage discovered. We carry out both pre-purchase due diligence inspections and mid-term lease audits.
Paint inspection
Every project is different, which is fine with us. Aircraft periodically need repainting, and occasionally a change of livery. We take care of the incoming inspection, check the bodywork after the old paint has been stripped off, and perform a final inspection to make sure the work has been done properly.
Cabin inspection
This can involve a general visual inspection of the aircraft cabin including the cockpit, lavatories, galleys etc., all required safety and emergency equipment such as fire extinguishers, and furnishings, or else an in-depth audit for obtaining approvals or certification. Our services also extend to checking the safety and emergency procedures described in flight operation manuals.
Inspection review
We take the time to thoroughly go through your inspection reports and whatever other paperwork you have accumulated, making sure that they are complete and accurate.
We check for:
lf wished we also scan everything in a format of your choice to facilitate access and ensure compliance.
A special skill of ours is converting your data or technical documents to a new format. This especially includes the insertion and migration of processed data via X-Files into an existing AMOS database. Also other data can be taken from existing database or created from scratch (i.e. part numbers, addresses, documents). You may want to do this to ensure compatibility between airlines. lt’s a work-intensive task that requires a great deal of ingenuity, diligence and patience.
Are you interested in working for one of the most exciting, fastest-growing outfits in the aviation industry? We’re looking for some good people for full- and part-time work. You can look forward to flexible hours, and may even be able to remotely perform some tasks from home. We’ll train you in-house and assign you to a wide variety of projects, activities and tasks, so there are plenty of opportunities for you to learn new skills.
Even if your experience is in another field, we’d like to meet you.
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of coffee
ACT Services GmbH
Mergenthalerallee 77
65760 Eschborn